

Back to blogger.com

Starting today, Electronza returns to blogger.com, Google's free blogging platform.

The blog was previously hosted here for a while, after which I was starting some online projects and had a bit of space on separate hosting. So, I brought the blog over to WordPress and was thinking of starting to write here again.

Unfortunately, the legislation in Romania, where I live, is changing radically and will increase taxes for small companies and PFAs, which is the equivalent of self-employed. So, all of a sudden, my online activity becomes unprofitable.

Considering the work devoted to writing and managing blogs, I will pay more taxes and have little money left over. So, it's time to dedicate more time to my other businesses and put my online projects aside until better times come.

On the other hand, Electronza hasn't had significant traffic in recent years because I haven't been writing new stuff. So again, it was a problem to keep it online, devote time to its administration, and pay for hosting space.

As such, I'm starting again from zero. It will be a hassle until I move all the articles because no decent import module transfers from WordPress to Blogger, but it'll work out. I'll redirect the old links to the new articles, and in a few days or weeks, everything will be working as before. I'll delete some older articles that have become obsolete - they're no longer needed, and what I wrote there no longer applies in today's context.

I'm keeping the ads because they still produce a beer or two monthly. After receiving the next payment, I'll evaluate whether it's worth keeping them, depending on how things go after the move to the new platform.

That's it for today.

Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

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