

Adding recipe schema information to older blogger posts with recipes

In the previous article I published a recipe template for articles on blogger.com with recipe schema markup. That template is best suitable for new blog posts.

However, for older blog posts written in plain text articles it’s much easier to add the recipe schema information at the end of the article, in JSON-LD format. This approach saves us from having to edit the entire blog post from scratch.

To do this I use https://webcode.tools/generators/schema-markup/recipe.

Screenshot from https://webcode.tools/generators/schema-markup/recipe
All I have to do is fill in the information in the panel on the left, using the same instructions as in the previous blog post. The only difference when filling in the preparation and cooking times is that here they must be given in either hours or minutes. So, for a cooking time of 1 hour and a half we will enter 90 minutes.

The instructions for adding the image are also identical to those in the previous article, including changing the s200-c parameter.

For the description of the recipe you must be careful not to exceed 200 characters.

Ingredients and instructions can be taken with copy-paste from the existing recipe. For each new extra ingredient press the "Add ingredient" button. Similarly, for each step of the recipe press the "Add step" button.
Adding ingredients

Adding recipe instructions
When you have finished entering all the recipe details, ingredients and instructions, copy the code from the panel on the right and then edit the recipe blog post and paste it at the end of the article.  
<script type="application/ld+json">
	"@context": "http://schema.org/",
	"@type": "Recipe",
	"name": "Recipe name",
	"image": [
	"recipeCategory": "appetizer",
	"recipeCuisine": "Italian",
	"prepTime": "PT90M",
	"cookTime": "PT30M",
	"totalTime": "PT180M",
	"recipeYield": "5",
	"datePublished": "2022-05-05",
	"description": "Recipe description here (max 200 characters)",
	"keywords": "keyword1, keyword2, etc.",
	"recipeIngredient": [
		"Ingredient 3",
		"...and so on..."
	"recipeInstructions": [
			"@type": "HowToStep",
			"name": "Step1",
			"text": "Copy-paste instructions fron step1"
			"@type": "HowToStep",
			"name": "Step2",
			"text": "Copy-paste instructions fron step2"
Finally, go to https://search.google.com/test/rich-results and insert the URL of the blog post there.

You should have no errors, and eventually you might have some warnings about missing some data that is optional, such as author and recipe video.

Now all you have to do is wait for Google to reindex your blog post - this can take up to a month.

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